Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Moving Belief into Trust

The emphasis of faith changes once we are saved. Initially we need faith to believe—to buy into what we understand to be true. To willingly call upon the name of the Lord and enter into relationship with God through Him I must believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of those who seek Him.

Once that is realized, our faith shifts into trust. We’ve already declared our belief in God and all He said in His Word, now we must rely upon Him for the outcome of our lives.

For many the road stops at the beginning. They declare with fiery fury how much they believe but the content of their character, the display of their difference, the ergonomics of their exercise indicates they are far removed from living in a dependency-based relationship with their Savior.

Paul uses a unique tense in describing salvation. It is past, present and future all at the same time. I was. I am. I will be. It looks back. It looks within. It looks forward. Each has the same intensity of the other. What I have been, I am. What I am, I will be. What I will be, I always was.

The power of getting saved is the power of being saved. The statement of belief in the beginning carried the promise of entrusting my life to Him. I may not have known how to do that or all it would mean, but it was there. Why would I want into something and prefer not to live according to the practice of what I am committing to?

Trusting God is our vital connection to all He has provided for the godly life He has called us to. It is our honest understanding of His commitment to us and our response to Him.

Without trust, I am nothing more than a believing atheist. I accept He is there but I live as though He isn’t.

I declare my trust in Him today. I will walk relying upon Him. I will run and not become weary that I am running alone. I will sing because I feel His accompaniment. I will dance because I know the joy of His presence.

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