Monday, September 26, 2011

Facing Fears

I watched a stirring and emotionally compelling movie last night—The Four Feathers: the story of a British officer (played by Keith Ledger) who resigned his commission instead of going to war. His friends, including his fiancé, each give him a white feather indicating their opinion that he is a coward. He spends the rest of the movie proving them wrong by going into the battle zone and rescuing each of his friends. When he does, he returns the feather.

Included as a voice of truth was a large African man who told him protecting him was God’s mission. When the officer explained why he was in the Sudan and showed him the feathers suggesting his cowardice he admitted his fear. The man said that fear is natural but being there proves he is not a coward.

A General during WWII said courage means going on in spite of your fears. Willingness to go on doesn’t prove we aren’t afraid, only that we aren’t cowards.

God knew we’d have fear—some appropriate, most presumptuous—referred to as worry, anxiety and cares.  His answer—give it to Me. We aren’t designed to carry that weight. He is. “Cast your cares upon Me for I care for you,” He said. “Don’t be anxious, I know how to take care of you.”

Paul’s words were, “Don’t be anxious but in everything…pray.” The promise was, if we would trust in God’s faithfulness, His peace would overwhelm us and we could face what we fear.

I’m glad we don’t have to prove our bravery with Him. I can admit my fears and trust. That’s a whole lot easier than faking strength. I don’t have to cower in a corner, letting fear stop me whether I face a battle, friends or a fiancé.

“When I am weak, then He is strong!”

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