We left off last
week with Greece pulling out of Israel because of the Romans rising in power
and the Maccabean revolt in Jerusalem. Israel was now a free country for the
first time since the two captivities. They were free both religiously and politically.
Because of their restored
religious freedom, the Temple was decontaminated following Antiochus Epiphanes’
Abomination of Desolation. The pig he sacrificed to Zeus on the altar of God
left the Temple desecrated for 25 years.
After the Temple was
re-consecrated and religious duties resumed, the religious leaders of Israel
created a new religious order called the Pharisees who were charged with structuring
the Mosaic Law into rules and enforcing compliance. It seems the religious
leaders finally realized God would not protect the Temple if the people
neglected God’s laws and expectations.
The Pharisees were
to keep the people right with God. They started with honorable intentions, but
their tactics became harsh. After searching the OT, they found everything Moses
said that they could fashion into a law. At final count they came up with 613 rules
they determined were necessary for someone to obey, so that person could be
right with God. The problem was the means became more important than the
end. By their system, it would be the achievement of works not the
appropriation of faith that would earn God’s favor. Instead of blessing the
people in their desire to be right with God, they placed on them a burden from
which there was no release.
There were a
couple of benefits from all this: It kept religious duty as a priority so they
wouldn’t neglect the Temple again. It also kept alive the anticipation that the
Messiah would come soon because of prophetic fulfillment through Antiochus
Their religious
freedom led to the extremes of the Pharisees. Their political freedom led to
extremes as well. Two men from the ruling class within Israel both wanted to be
King. To help make that possible, one of the men, Aristobulus, sought
help from the new, rising world power, Rome. Hoping to get in good with them,
but also thinking they could present the force needed to place him on the
throne, Aristobulus invited Rome to come into Jerusalem.
But as promised by the prophecy of Daniel, the Romans would
be the iron of the statue, the strongest, most powerful and victorious of the
conquerors. Rome was under the authority of Pompey the Great, a powerful
general who had risen as a military and political leader of Rome.
Instead of helping Aristobulus take the throne, Pompey would
carry out his practice of engaging in war
for ‘the love of power and wealth’ and of plundering royal palaces as if he had
been sent, 'not to subdue the kings, but to strip them – an accusation made
by the Roman Senate.
The Jewish historian, Josephus, wrote: Now the occasion of this misery which came upon Jerusalem were Hyrcanus
and Aristobulus, by raising a sedition one against the other; for now we lost
our liberty, and became subject to the Romans, and were deprived of that country
which we had gained by our arms – a reference to the Maccabean revolt.
In 63 B.C. the Roman army, led by Pompey, took Israel captive.
God’s people will now live under the rule of Rome until they are run out of
their country in 70 A.D. when the Romans destroy the Temple for the final time.
Instead of crowning Aristobulus, Pompey had him imprisoned.
Interesting side note: Julius Caesar who was the rising star of Rome during
Pompey’s reign, freed Aristobulus to deliberately undermine Pompey and gain favor
with the Jews. Out of spite, men loyal to Pompey poisoned Aristobulus before he
could get out of Israel and into freedom.
Soon after the take-over, the political skies of Rome grew
dark. It is common in government takeovers that men commit atrocities in the
name of loyalty. Julius Caesar was on the move to become Rome’s first Emperor.
He defeated Pompey at a battle in Greece causing Pompey to flee to Egypt. As Pompey
stepped out of his boat on the shore, three of his own men assassinated him,
removed his head from his body and presented it to Julius Caesar. It repulsed
Caesar but opened the door of the Empire to him. With Pompey having been the
only obstacle to the throne, Julius Caesar now declared himself Emperor in 48
B.C. But he only reigned six years. You’ll
remember he died after asking Brutus if he had eaten yet. Et tu Brute?
After Caesar was assassinated, the Roman Senate appointed a
triumvirate – three men to serve as a ruling committee. Shortly afterward the
Senate also appointed Herod the Great as King of the Jews around 40 B.C. Herod
was a loyal subject of Rome, though as a Jew he did have legitimate blood
connections to the royal family line of Israel.
He refurbished the Temple that would become the Temple Jesus
knew and provided much to benefit the people through building and implementing
elements of Greek and Roman culture. But he ruled within Israel with a great
deal of harshness and free reign, having the full support of the Roman
government. His decadent lifestyle proved he had no conscious devotion toward
God and all he did for the nation was political.
Now about that triumvirate, few ambitious men want to work
through a committee. These three men: Mark Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius, struggled with each other to eliminate the competition. This
forced Herod to choose sides for the one man he would support. Because he
already had an established relationship with Mark Antony and Cleopatra, he
chose Mark Antony. He chose wrong.
Lepidus died in battle. With one man down and one to go, Octavius
pursued Mark Antony to Egypt. And like a chapter out of Shakespeare’s Romeo and
Juliet, instead of facing Octavius’ sword and thinking Cleopatra had killed
herself, Mark Antony stabbed himself with his own sword. When he found out that
Cleopatra was still alive, his friends took him to Cleopatra's monument in
which she was hiding. He died in her arms. She then allowed herself to be
bitten by a poisonous snake and died as well. Octavius was the last man
Then Herod, to make up for his mistake, changed the name of
a great city he had built on the Mediterranean coast of Israel to Caesarea, in honor of Octavius who now became
Caesar Augustus, or the Great
It is Caesar Augustus we meet in Luke 2:1-3 Now
in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of
all the inhabited earth. This was the first census taken while Quirinius
was governor of Syria. And everyone was on his way to register for the
census, each to his own city. – The city where the man was
born. This would corroborate with records there to confirm he did indeed make
the census.
Why did Augustus want a census of the whole inhabited earth
or more specifically the whole Roman Empire? Generally, for tax purposes. Each
person was required to pay a tax to exist within the empire. But this census, though
only, perhaps, to calculate people and increase revenue, was being directed by
the finger of God.
What was God doing? Micah
5:2 But as for you, Bethlehem, too little to be among
the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me
to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.
The specific prophecy about where the Messiah would be born
was this statement in Micah. He would come from Bethlehem.
When the Magi showed up at Herod’s palace seeking the
newborn King, Matt 2:4-5 Herod gathered together all the chief priests and scribes of the people and inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to
him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the
prophet: they
quote the same verse from Micah.
Here’s sovereignty: you have a promise and a forced action
by the government that helps bring the promise to the right location. The
finger of God directing the hearts of kings toward His purpose. Now all you
need is to get the main characters there.
Luke 2:4-6 Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to
Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the
house and family of David, in order to register along with Mary, who was betrothed to him, and was
with child. While they were there, the days were completed for her to
give birth.
Mary and Joseph were living in Nazareth, but the family
lineage went back to Bethlehem. Other than the census, there would have been no
reason for them to have been in Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. But thanks to
Caesar Augustus, they were forced to align with God’s prophecy.
So, the pieces of the statue Nebuchadnezzar saw were not just a preview of the next nations to
rule the world, they were the specific
nations God would use to orchestrate His plan to so love the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever
would believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
We saw why we needed the Babylonians and the Persians and
even the Greeks. But why did we need the Romans? Here are some things God would
use to fulfill His plan that were uniquely Roman:
- Census – a Roman organizational/taxation tool – Fulfilled prophecy of having Jesus born in Bethlehem.
- Roman Law removed from Jewish leaders the right to execute a person. – Kept them from killing Jesus prematurely.
- The use as the primary source of capital punishment – crucifixion – fulfilled prophecy in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 as to how the Messiah would die.
- Provided access to the rest of the world by Roman roads and commerce – to spread the Gospel.
The right people at the right place at the right time isn’t
a coincidence. It’s providence. It
is the hand of God working through people and events to orchestrate everything
toward the fulfillment of His plan. How the events unfold can be as important
as what they help accomplish, when what is accomplished is God’s perfect work.
- Everything God does is with purpose.
- Even things that appear to be happenstance or chance, God may very well be in the background working out His plan.
- When we fail to recognize the hand of God in the circumstances of our lives, we may misunderstand the faithfulness of God.
- When we misunderstand the faithfulness of God, we will often assume things about God that aren’t true.
- Only a God who loves us with an everlasting love would be willing to accomplish what is best for us.
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