I want you to know I
am fit to be tied. I’m riled up. I’m about to have a hissy fit. My hide is
chapped. My grits are over-cooked. My righteousness is indignated because things
have gone on this week that have taken me to the limits of my ability to understand.
For some reason, the
presidency of Donald Trump, has taken the lid off of protocol, manners, decency,
truth and doing what’s right because it’s right.
There has always
been an undercurrent of disapproval for the other side within political parties,
but never has that escalated to a clear and vocal movement devoted to the
destruction of the American political system. This week warnings of an
approaching civil war were actually spoken within the capital building. I’m not
sure that’s a good idea. One side has all the guns and the other doesn’t know
which bathroom to use.
Bless her heart, Maxine
Watters’ public cry for verbally assaulting people because of the side of the
political aisle they represent is more than trash talking. It’s instigating violence.
It’s harassing. It’s profiling. It’s attacking someone because they disagree
with your political position. At some point this thing will turn physical.
Which is what many have said about the shooting in Maryland this week. One
editor for Reuters is under fire because he immediately blamed the shooting on
Trump. He apologized when he learned this was the culmination of a feud the man
had had with the paper since 2012.
The Supreme Court demonstrated
political bias as they supported, by a 5-4 majority, a President’s authority to
enforce regulations that protect our country from people indiscriminately
coming here from terroristic nations. It was a constitutional matter, not
political. The dissenting justices admitted
to voting against it because to them it gave the president the right to
discriminate even though it was well within the constitutional guarantees granted
to the office of president. When they vote, are they not to measure their
decisions against the Constitution and not base their opinion on a political
The attention given
to people crossing our borders illegally has been more on the separation of
families than on the laws being broken. There is no country that doesn’t
control its borders and exercise the right to decide who can come in and who
can’t. It’s a national security issue. Our country has long standing rules that
explain how one can legally enter and what law enforcement is supposed to do if
that person chooses another route. Some Congressmen are actually wanting to get
rid of the laws regarding our borders or stop enforcing them. How ridiculous! Even
more ridiculous was the call this week to abolish ICE—Immigration and Customs
Enforcement Agency, as though those charged with enforcing the law are the
problem. A new congressional candidate won her primary by running on this
Fake news is
everywhere, but it’s nothing new. It’s called propaganda. Telling people what
you want them to believe to sway them to your position. But now, it seems,
every newscast is so mixed with fake and real, it’s hard to tell the difference.
Journalism is supposed to be about the facts, but even when they tell a story accurately
you’ll hear inflection in their voices or the special meaning of words they use
they intend to show bias or make you doubt the implications of the story. The
media is at its lowest credibility rate ever because few can trust they are
telling the truth.
California Assembly
considered a new law this week that would make it unlawful for a business to
engage in distributing resources, selling books, offering counseling services, or
directing someone to a biblically-based model for getting help with gender
confusion and homosexuality, making it illegal to advertise, offer to engage
in, or do engage in sexual orientation change. Even if somebody wants out this
law shuts the door to help.
Canada has made a
decision that will eventually affect schools in the US. They have taken away
the credentials away from a Christian Law School because its statement of
beliefs violates socially acceptable practices. They will no longer certify Law
School graduates because of the school’s stand against lifestyle choices among
other Biblical matters.
Supreme Court
Justice Anthony Kennedy has resigned. Immediately, cries were heard that Trump
had better not select a justice who doesn’t support abortion or the tenants of
Obama Care. Instead of wanting a Justice who understands the Constitution and
will serve without bias, they want a political justice.
Deu 16:19 You shall not distort justice; you shall not
be partial, and you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the
wise and perverts the words of the righteous.
In the Enews
articles I receive each day have been message after message telling pastors to
stay away from political issues, immigration issues and other matters of social
That was the
approach Martin Niemoller, German pastor took before he was arrested and said: First they came
for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they
came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade
Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I
was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak
for me.
The world wants a silent
church because silence is passive agreement. Stay within your building and
don’t bring your message outside. Russia just created a law requiring the very same
There is a war
raging and it has two targets with one bullseye. One target is the
Constitution. Even though it is considered one of the most well-established
documents from which a free country can remain free, it is under attack.
Thomas Jefferson – Our peculiar security is in possession of a written Constitution. Let
us not make it a blank paper by construction. … If it is, then we have no
Lincoln Don't
interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is
the only safeguard of our liberties.
Thurgood Marshall, Supreme Court Justice – I do not believe that the meaning of the
Constitution was forever ‘fixed’ at the Philadelphia Convention … To the
contrary, the government they devised was defective from the start.
Joe Biden – Just
talk to me as a father—not what the Constitution says. What do you feel?
There is a growing
sector of our society that feel the document interferes with how they want
America to change. Their mission is to change the Constitution.
Proverb 22:28 Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set.
Hosea 5:10-11 The princes of Judah have
become like those who move a boundary; on them I will pour out My wrath like
water. Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment, because he was determined to follow man's command.
Hillary Clinton,
during her run for president, said that Christians must be forced to change
their religious views to accommodate abortions. “Far too many women are still
denied critical access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth. All the
laws we’ve passed don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to
exist in practice — not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources
and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and
structural biases have to be changed…”
Which brings us to
the other target – the Bible. Two weeks ago, FBC, Dallas, was preparing a
patriotic service for this past Sunday. They bought and placed a message on
billboards around the city. They wanted everyone to know America is still a
Christian nation. The kickback was so harsh, the billboard company was forced
to pull the messages down.
What’s the issue: freedom
of speech or not making statements that offend some within the
community. All it takes is an individual or group to be offended by something
then complain and everyone must change to correct that offense. One lady this
week didn’t like the writing on a tee-shirt. It was pulled from the shelves.
Folks, I’m offended every day by what I see and hear.
But back to the
statement on the billboard in Dallas: Are we a Christian nation?
Willamette University law and history professor Steven Green, who
three years ago published a book: Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the
Religious Founding said, "From where did the idea of America's
founding as a Christian nation arise? In a nutshell, it arose in the early 19th
century as later generations of Americans sought to establish a national
identity, one that distinguished and exemplified the founding by sanctifying
the nation's origins. This is the origin of the 'Christian
nation' myth."
By what I see, I’m
not so sure we are today what we’ve been in the past, and I know we have fallen
from what the Founders had in mind. But I am absolutely convinced that how we
were established, as one nation under God, isn’t a myth.
John Adams: The general principles on which the fathers
achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow
that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of
Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of
Washington – It is
impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.
Thomas Jefferson – God, who gave us life, gave us
liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have
removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that
these liberties are of the Gift of God?
In the Congressional Record, May, 1779, Whereas,
... too few have been sufficiently awakened to a sense of their guilt, or
warmed with gratitude, or taught to amend their lives and turn from their sins,
so He might turn from His wrath; and whereas, from a consciousness of what we
have merited at His hands. Resolved, That it be recommended to the several
States to appoint the first Thursday in May next to be a day of fasting,
humiliation, and prayer to Almighty God that He will grant us his grace to
repent of our sins and amend our lives according to His holy word; that He will
diffuse useful knowledge, extend true religion, and give us that peace of mind
which the world cannot give ...
The push to de-Christianize
our nation defies what the Founding Fathers intended. But today that push has
extended from removing Him not only from politics but from the market place,
the schools and all of society, with the ultimate attempt being to remove Him
from life, creating a secular society devoid of His blessings.
In other words, the
two targets: the Constitution and the Bible have a similar bullseye: God
But what does the
Bible say: Ps 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD…
We who have been
blessed by the Lord understand what that means and want our Country blessed by
that same Lord. No one wants the church to control the nation, but we want the
God to whom we credit for its founding to get honored for the blessings we
enjoy. We want His principles for society to govern our land. We want His best
for us, instead of the evil we have permitted.
So, what can we do?
We can pray.
When the boys were
younger and were a bit bent out of shape because of something they had no
control over, I’d tell them to draw a circle on the floor and get into it. They
were ultimately responsible for only the person in that circle.
· You can’t drive somebodyelse’s car, even
though you disapprove with how they are driving.
· You can’t sing somebodyelse’s song, even
though you don’t like the style of the song they’re singing.
· You can’t make somebodyelse’s decisions, even
though you dislike the decisions they are making.
· You can’t make the country comply with your
ideals, even though you think your ideals are better than theirs.
What can you do? Draw a circle. Get in it. Then, give the
person in that circle to the Lord. Doing so will take away your anxiety as He
gives you His peace even in unsettling days. God, hold me tight in the midst of my concerns. Please help me be all
you want me to be. Use my life for your purposes and fulfill your intentions
through it. Let me represent you accurately in whatever I say or do. I want to
be faithful to live faithfully and not let the world, society or politics press
me into their mold. I believe You hold the future, not man, and I want to be a
part of whatever you plan. Help me keep my eyes on the prizes of Your goodness,
Your mercy, Your grace, Your forgiveness, Your will, Your ways, Your word, Your
truth. And may I honor You without exception for all the rest of my days.
When there are
disturbing things I can do nothing about, I look to the only One who can
perform the impossible. I look to Him who can move on the hearts and minds of
others to turn them toward His will. I look to Him who can make a way through a
sea of hostility and lead us through the secular wilderness toward a great and
glorious promised land.
Only He can turn the
great leviathan of politics from a path of destruction to a path of
Can I influence
Donald Trump and help him make his decisions? Of course not. Can He?
Absolutely. Then I will pray for Donald Trump that he might yield to the
influence of Almighty God. Can I influence Congress to refuse special interests
and produce laws that are best for our nation? No. Can He? Absolutely. So I
will pray for Congress. Can I make Supreme Court Justices refuse political bias
and rule according to the Constitution? Not at all. Can He? Absolutely. So I
will pray for the Supreme Court.
What good does praying do? It invites the One who holds the answer, to accomplish His will in and through
me. It gets my perspective right. It places me on the correct side of
the argument. It steadies my head and hands to deal with whatever I face. And when
my prayers are connected with your prayers even greater things can happen.
2Chron 7:14 If My
people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive
their sin and will heal their land.
The only hope for
America or any nation is for its people to cry out to God. Only He can fight
the invisible battle with evil pushing its agenda to disconnect us from His
Only God can bless
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