Vance Havner called it “The Great Not Yet.” It’s that
collection of time sandwiched between our need and God’s answer. It’s the realm
of the unknown. We know we have a situation, have asked God for help but don’t
know what He intends to do. We have neither a yes or no, only a not yet.
I remember how worry used to work in my Mom. Between the
rise of her concern and the resolution, everything imaginable would run through
her mind. And for some reason most of that was worst case scenario stuff. If
there was a hint of doom, even a small percentage of possibility, that doom
took on a life of its own. Worriers struggle with that.
Having limited or no answers drives us to imagine what if’s.
What if he’s lying in a hospital without clean underwear, what if he’s crumpled
up in a ditch after a horrendous car crash, what if he’s developing some dreaded
illness from being scratched by his cat…these are the kinds of things my Mom worried about. However, to her
credibility I did do all of the above. But going there without evidence is
merely giving into the suspicions of the smallness of God.
If God is in the beginning and the end, He surely is in the
middle. If He’s in the right now, He will be in the not yet. The God who is
faithful in big things is also faithful in small things. The grace that covers
us for salvation also covers us for life.
Paul had to remind the Philippians not to worry but instead
to pray. Prayer is our expression of faith that God is there, listening and
intent on answering. Prayer does not put God on a time-table. It does not
obligate Him. It tunes us into His faithfulness. It reminds us of His presence.
I pray and trust. That’s the extent of my abilities to bring about change. If I
think my worrying can bring change then I’ve lessened the significance of God
in my life.
My Mom struggled with that. I’m trying not to.