The Beatles were the thing back then. We kids in the
neighborhood would gather around the record player and sing along at the top of
their lungs. One day, in the midst of a powerful concert in the living room of
one family, one kid looked up at me and said, “You can’t sing.”
Not many things crush the spirit of someone as much as being
told you can’t do something you think you’re pretty good at and enjoy doing. A
thousand fears ran through my mind. A judgmental chain was hung around my vocal
cords. I, who had felt the freedom to let it rip, now was afraid to even hum.
One comment, made by one stupid kid—who had no basis for his
opinion but personal preference—shut me down. From then on my public display of
delight was over. I had been told my expressions were unacceptable.
How many other statements have we heard that have shut us
down? You shouldn’t think that. You’re wrong. You can’t feel that way. How
stupid! I knew that would happen if you tried that. I told you you’d fail.
You’re going to do what? Stop crying! Maybe you’ll grow out of it. What were
you thinking?
Words have great power over us. They get trapped inside our
heads and play back at the most inopportune times. Like when we try singing in
public again. We’re all prepared, listening to our introduction, ready to share
our song, and some kid’s words flash through our mind.
If it works that way in natural matters, how about spiritual
ones? Satan is the punk kid telling us lies that discount the faithfulness of
God. He reminds us of past struggles, unanswered prayers, unsuccessful
resistance to temptations, dark times, unquenched sorrows. He points out
disappointments where things just didn’t seem to turn out for good. All in an
attempt to keep us from trusting God.
I don’t know how good I ever became at singing. I still
struggle at times. But what that kid said in his living room doesn’t stop me
anymore. I’ve decided the joy of singing trumps the fear of singing badly. Now,
though there may be an audience, I sing to express my deeper joy, not to gain
their approval.
Joy is our expression of our confidence in the faithfulness
of God. It is not a performance to please a suspicious observer or to
demonstrate how good we are at being a Christian. Joy is a statement of what’s
going on inside of us. It is our statement, not up for the criticism of others
as to whether we are expressing it appropriately or not. So let it rip.
Question: Have you ever sung as though no one was listening?